Aug 22, 2011

Cabuli Chane

Caculi chane ( kabuli cane) its mean actually chane: chick peas and Cabuli : are name of place in afganistan ( Kabul) so donot have wrong meaning ...
its not like indonesian language meaning of " Cabuli "

2 cup Chick peas ( Soak over night and boiled until its tender) or u can use preboiled on cane .
3 pcs eggs ( boiled ) peel it off.

1 pcs medium tomato
1 pcs medium onion
1 inch ginger
6 cloves garlic
1tsp whole cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
to be continue...........
mango pudding

2 bungkus agar-agar bubuk warna putih
5 sdm gula pasir ( bisa kurang ato lebih )
800 gram daging mangga
600 ml susu cair
500ml fresh cream/whippy cream cair

Saus :
Fruit cocktail kalengan

Cara membuat:
1. Campur daging mangga dengan sbagian susu cair. setelah itu ampurkan fresh cream/whippy cream. blender sampai rata.
2. Tuang ke dalam panci, masukkan gula pasir dan agar-agar bubuk. Masak dengan api kecil sambil diaduk terus menerus agar susu tidak pecah. Masak hingga mendidih . Matikan api.
3. Tuang ke dalam cetakan atau gelas saji.hias sesuai selera. Dinginkan. Sajikan dengan bahan pelengkap.

Aloo Gobhie

Aaloo Gobi /Potato Cauliflower curry/kentang, Kembangkol bumbu curry

This one of my hubby favorite dish that he could never resist...i have search many recipes to make this food.. different style n way of cooking.
well i found this recipes the best taste among all.. i had tried.
even when we have some left over from this food he will ask the next day to make Paratha stuffed with this Alloo gobi..

dulu aku juga ga pernah terlalu suka sama kembang kol..kecuali di capcai..

well i guess he influence i start to like also...hehehe


250 grm Potato ( cutinto small cubed)
500 grm Cauliflower( cut in small flower)
1/2 Bunch Coriander leaves ( Chopped)
4- 6 green chilies ( cut to small pcs)

Masala/ Bumbu I
2 pcs medium onion ( Thin sliced)
1 tsp cumin seed
1 inch ginger

Masala/ Bumbu II
2 pcs medium Tomato (Chopped)
1 tsp chillies flakes ( or as per ur taste)
1 tsp cumin seed
1/2 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
salt as per ur taste.

Cooking directions
1. heat oil in pan and saute the onion and cumin seeds
2. add ginger and add potato . combine well make coved the lid for 5 minutes with low flame.
3. add the cauliflowers cover with lid let it cook.
4.When vegetables are tender add all masala II, cook on low flame in its own water.
5. taste it, sprinkle with green chillies n coriander leaves. let 1 minute. then its ready to serve.

Serve with roti/ chapati/ naan . 

Achari Bengan

Achari Bengan / Terong Bumbu Achar ala Pakistan / india
Achari Egg plants

one of pakistani / india dish...menikah dengan seorang dari negara lain membuat kita harus adopt his culture, Foods ..and many things.
this is one of vegetarian dish.
its taste different with our Indonesian Foods . but a little bit similar with some province in our country like Aceh, Padang ..since they use a lot of different spices. this food are very simple and easy to cook...
can be alternative also for variations on our daily menu.

BaHan/ Ingredients

4-6 pcs Egg Plants/ Terong/ Bengan 4-6 Pcs
3 -4 PcsTomato ( Chopped)
4 Cloves garlic/Lesan / B. Putih ( Parut/ Tumbuk)
4 Cm Ginger/ Adrak/ Jahe ( Parut/ Tumbuk)
Oil for frying and cook

BUmbu / Masala
1 tsp Coriander Powder/ Dania powder/ Ketumbar bubuk
1 tsp Chilli powder/ Cabe buuk
1/2 tsp Turmeric/ Haldi powder/ Kunyit bubuk
1 tsp Kalonji/ Black cumin/ Jinten hitam ( whole/ Utuh)
1 tsp Soft / adas ( whole)
Salt as per taste

Cara membuat/ Directions
1. cuci terong belah memanjang. ( 1 terong belah jadi 4). goreng setengah matang sisihkan.
2. Panaskan minyak untuk menumis. Masukkan B. putih dan jehe halus. sampai harum/ layu.
3. Masukkan tomat , Dan semua Bumbu / masala. aduk rata.
4. Biarkan sampai minyak terpisah dgn bumbu lalu masukkan Terong yang telah digoreng . Tutup wajan 5 menitdgn api kecil , buka aduk rata, test rasa. Siap disajikan .

Serve With Boil Rice . 

Pizza home made

pizza base/pizza crust/roti pizza
1 TBS yeast/ Ragi
300 ml warm water
1 Tsp sugar
400 gram Flour ( better to use flour for making pastry/bread)
5 tbs olive oil(or vegetable oil)
1 tsp salt

how to make.
1. Mix the yeast and warm water. Separated
2. put the flour on the bowl mix with salt n sugar, make hole in center put the mixed water with yeast,combine well , add olive oil .combine well with hand(Knead) to dough or until became smooth , shiny, elastic not easy to be breaking.
3. make the dough round .put in the bowl. grease the dough with oil. let it rest to 1-2 hour .cover with dump towel
4. after one hour or so make flaten the dough by pressing it. one more time knead for awhile. now ready to make pizza.
just take a portion of the dough as u need and spread on the baking tray after grease with the oil 1st.

Pizza saos:
4 pcs big tomato blend it/ grated
6 tbs tmato paste.
1/2 onion finelly choped
4 clove of garlic finelly choped
salt, sugar as per taste
1 tsp oregano n basil
1/2 tsp black paper powder

how to make:
1. heat oil on pan , add garlic , onion till turn to pink
2. add tomato pure, tomato paste, mix weell boil it to simmer.
3. add oregano, basil , paper. salt n sugar as per taste. mix well. put of stove . let it cool .


Spread the pizza dough on baking tray prick with fork than spread the saos evently.
arrange the pizza topping as ur disire ( im using corn , capsicum, green chillies, onion, chicken franks, boneless chicken,)
on top u can cover with mozarella chessse. ready to bake. ( 20 menits/180 degree celcius )

Sindhi Chicken briyani

Chicken briyani / Sindhi briyani


1 kilogram mutton or chicken
750 grams rice, basmati
500 grams potatoes
500 grams tomatoes, diced
250 grams yogurt
1 teaspoon red chili powder
- As per taste salt
2 medium onion sliced
3 tablespoon garlic (crushed)
2 teaspoon ginger (crushed)
10 whole green cardamoms
4 whole black cardamoms (bari Iliachi)
10 cloves -
10 pieces black pepper
1 inch piece cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon zeera
2 - bay leaves (taze patta)
10 whole dried plums (aaloo bukharay)
- some ghee or cooking oil
6 pieces green chillies
2 tablespoon coriander leaves, fresh
2 tablespoon mint leaves
- drops kewra
3 drops yellow food color
1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala
1/2 cup ghee or oil

How to Cook:
1. Marinate meat with garlic, ginger, salt, chili powder and garam masala for half an hour.

2. Meanwhile, heat oil or ghee in a heavy based sauce pan and fry onions for 5-10 minutes to a golden brown. Remove onions from oil and stir into the yogurt. Rub this yogurt all over the marinated chicken cover and put in a cool place for at least an hour.

3. Reheat the oil, add the meat along with the marinade and all of the whole spices, and stirring frequently, fry the meat 5-10 minutes. Add 1\2 cup water, cover and cook over low heat. When meat is half cooked, add potatoes and cook over low heat.

4. While the meat is cooking, prepare spice water. In a small saucepan, put 1 1\2 cups water, 1 teaspoon black pepper corn, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon cloves, 2 tablespoon coriander seeds, 2 tablespoons aniseeds, 1\2 teaspoon ground nut meg, 1\2 teaspoon mace, 1\2 teaspoon sandal bura (optional), 3-4 large cardamoms, 1 tablespoon green cardamoms, 3 bay leaves. Place the saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil, reduce heat to very low, cover and cook until the mixture reduced to 3\4 cup.

5. Wash and soak rice in water for half an hour. In another pan boil rice with 2-3 teaspoon of salt and plenty of water. When rice is 1\2 cooked drain water, add 1\4 cup oil or butter and fluff with a fork to prevent the rice from sticking. Keep rice to one side.

6. In a large pan place 2 inch layer of rice at the bottom, then a layer of meat, tomatoes, and dried plums on top, repeating this until the meat and rice have been used up. Sprinkle coriander and mint leaves over the top layer of the rice Pour spiced water and kewra over the rice. Do not stir. Mix the food color with a little water and sprinkle over the rice.

7. Cover with a tight fitting lid and cook on medium heat for about 4-5 minutes to produce steam, then lower the heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes until the rice is tender.

8. Once the dish is cooked, leave it covered for a few minutes. Remove the lid, fluff up the rice with a fork and transfer to a serving dish.

9. Serve with Raita and green salad.