Tumis Balado Kangkung
Teringat Sama almarhum mama sahabatku Riri Andayani , beliau sering masak kankung seperti dibalado...tapi tidak sempat tanya resep...mengingat2 rasa ...dan menurutku masak kangkung paling nikmat kalo ipakein terasi sedikit.. so... jadilah Balado Kangkung ala Dian Mayawati. soooo Good!
ada pedas.. asam dari tomat.. terasi ...hmmm alhamdulillah nikmat .
Ingredients :
1 ikat Kangkung segar, cuci bersih , potong2 pisahkan batang dan daunnya.
1/2 sdt Garam ( as per taste)
1/4 sdt Gula Pasir ( as per taste)/ optional
Bumbu Halus :
1 buah bawang bombay ukuran kecil ( boleh pake bawang merah lebih sedep)
5 siung bawang putih
1/2 buah h tomat , ukuran sedang
5 buah Cabe merah besar, and cabe rawit 5 buah ( bila suka)
1/2 sdt Terasi Udang Matang, sdh digoreng sebelumnya
cara membuat :
1. Haluskan bumbu halus. Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum dan cabe matang/tidak langu lagi . minyaknya sudah terpisah dengan bumbunya.
2. Masukkan batang kankung terlebih dahulu sampai agak layu lalu masukkan daunya.. aduk balik.. jangan terlalu lama diatas kompor kangkung cepat hitam kalo terlalu over cook. matikan api begitu semua tercampur rata.
Sajikan hangat dengan nasi hangat ...hmmmm mautappppp
sepiring ga cukup...hahahahahah

Banana Brownies
ngintip resep teh vivi...
ini resepnya..after modified by me
Banana Brownies
Bahan :
250 gr Dark chocolate ( semi sweeted )
120 gr Mentega
3 btr Telur (kecil)
3 bh Pisang ( delmonte ) ukuran sedang
100 gr Tepung terigu
90 gr Gula pasir
2 sdm Coklat bubuk
1 sdt Baking powder
Caranya :
1. Panaskan oven 170 derajat celcius.
2. Campur tepung terigu dengan baking powder. Ayak. Sisihkan.
2. Lelehkan DCC bersama mentega dengan cara di tim diatas air mendidih atau dalam microwave. Sisihkan.
3. Haluskan Pisang, lalu masukkan gula, kocok dengan mixer menggunakan kecepatan rendah atau bisa menggunakan whisker, sampai gula larut. Masukkan Telur, kocok kembali. Sampai tercampur rata dan mengembang ( jangan terlalu kental sekali )
4. Masukkan tepung dan baking powder. Aduk rata sebentar menggunakan whisker atau bisa dengan sendok kayu. Kemudian masukkan lelehan cokelat. Aduk rata kembali.
5. Masukkan adonan kedalam loyang anti lengket atau gunakan loyang yang di alasi kertas roti. Panggang kurang lebih 25 menit / hingga matang. Angkat. Biarkan dingin. Potong potong. Sajikan.

Cherry Trifle
im modified the recepis from dailydelicious.blogspots.com
#Lady finger Biscuits About 10 pcs ( cut into size cup that you are using)
For the sugared cherries
2 pints ........................... cherries wash and pitted (about 4 cups)
3 tbsp. ................................ superfine sugar
1tsp ............................... apple cider vinegar
1-2tbsp ......................... lemon juice
For the whipped cream
3cups ............................ whipping or heavy cream
1tbsp. ............................... superfine granulated sugar
1tsp ............................... vanilla extract
To make the sugared cherries, combine the ingredients in a large bowl and toss to blend.Refrigerate for 2 hours, strain, and reserve the liquid.
Make the whipped cream:
To make the whipped cream, bring the ingredients to a soft peak using a standing mixer fitted with a wire whip attachment or hand beaters. Stop the mixer and whip by hand with a balloon whisk until the cream shows a slightly thick body. It should not be at all stiff.
Assemble the dessert:
Cut the lady fingers and place one layer in the bottom of the bowl (I made an individual portion using a pastry brush or squeeze bottle, soak the layer with about one quarter of the sugar syrup and quarter of the reserved liquid from the sugared cherries.
Spoon a generous amount of whipped cream onto the first layer and level it with a ladle or spoon. Place the sugared cherries into the glass, repeat with biscuit and cream (if you make the big one, you will use 3 layers of biscuit, 2 layers of sugared cherries with whipped cream), then decorated with the sugared cherries.
Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving

Happy 3rd Anniversary
Just simple tiramisu for us....not perfect but its made with love...
source "laura vitales kitchen"
400 grm of Mascarpone Cheese, softened ( cream cheese will do also)
1-½ cup of Heavy Cream
1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar
1 tsp of Vanilla
2 ½ cups of Really Strong Coffee or Espresso, cooled
2 Tbsp of Dark Rum ( skip )
2 Tbsp of Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
30 Ladyfingers (preferably Savogliardi, not sponge cake ladyfingers)
whte cooking chocolate, Dark cooking chocolate, some fresh fruits available at home
1) In a large bowl whip the heavy cream and set in the fridge until you are ready to use it (cream stays stiffer longer if kept cold) .
2) In a large bowl cream together the mascarpone, vanilla and sugar, fold in half of the whipped cream into mascarpone mixture to lighten. Fold in remaining whipped cream being careful not to over mix.
3) To assemble, in a large bowl mix together the coffee and rum and set aside, also have ready the cocoa powder and ladyfingers. Have a 9 .5 inch round baking pan ready to start assembling. Dip each ladyfinger into the coffee mixture and lay in the bottom of your pan, once the whole bottom of the pan has the coffee and rum soaked ladyfingers ready pour over half of the mascarpone and cream mixture, spread evenly over ladyfingers and sprinkle the top with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
4) Arrange the remaining coffee soaked ladyfingers on top of the layers and spread over the remaining filling. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
5) Cover and chill for 4 to 24 hours before serving.
6) Garnish each serving with some fresh raspberries and chocolate covered coffee beans/ im using grated dark cooking chocolate after dust with chocolate powder.