Aug 21, 2011


Happy 3rd Anniversary

Just simple tiramisu for us....not perfect but its made with love...

source "laura vitales kitchen"
400 grm of Mascarpone Cheese, softened ( cream cheese will do also)
1-½ cup of Heavy Cream
1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar
1 tsp of Vanilla
2 ½ cups of Really Strong Coffee or Espresso, cooled
2 Tbsp of Dark Rum ( skip )
2 Tbsp of Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
30 Ladyfingers (preferably Savogliardi, not sponge cake ladyfingers)

whte cooking chocolate, Dark cooking chocolate, some fresh fruits available at home

1) In a large bowl whip the heavy cream and set in the fridge until you are ready to use it (cream stays stiffer longer if kept cold) .
2) In a large bowl cream together the mascarpone, vanilla and sugar, fold in half of the whipped cream into mascarpone mixture to lighten. Fold in remaining whipped cream being careful not to over mix.
3) To assemble, in a large bowl mix together the coffee and rum and set aside, also have ready the cocoa powder and ladyfingers. Have a 9 .5 inch round baking pan ready to start assembling. Dip each ladyfinger into the coffee mixture and lay in the bottom of your pan, once the whole bottom of the pan has the coffee and rum soaked ladyfingers ready pour over half of the mascarpone and cream mixture, spread evenly over ladyfingers and sprinkle the top with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
4) Arrange the remaining coffee soaked ladyfingers on top of the layers and spread over the remaining filling. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.
5) Cover and chill for 4 to 24 hours before serving.
6) Garnish each serving with some fresh raspberries and chocolate covered coffee beans/ im using grated dark cooking chocolate after dust with chocolate powder

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